
Mystery Of William M Cooley

I am a targeted individual of organized gang stalking also called stalking by proxy. This occurred to me after trying to fight for justice in my father's case. I am taking the blog down. I am tired of fighting and exposing an evil that I could never truly expose, as I am not the only victim of this kind of crime. Plus I have realized that there will be no justice of any sort. The more I seem to expose and speak out; the more I am targeted. Gang stalking is real - and is scary - and I hope that one day all victims will be able to put an end to this kind of torture, however I feel that I must move on and focus on my life and the life of my son.

Coroner Inquest on the Body of William M Cooley Sr.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Terrifying events these past 6 months since I have been vocal

all perfectly timed too.

My logical mind that they were all just coincidences - yet the timing was like clock work - and my instincts tell me other wise.

The events were so frightening - that I kind of have gone into a sense of denial. Locked it out of my mind. Now for me to express that these events were so "frightful" sounds as if I were trying to sensationalize the ordeal. I'm not. I'm a strong woman and I've been through a lot. I lived in one of the most dangerous parts of the third world for a good half of my adult life - and well I could write some terrifying stories.

Those incidents, whilst being very scary, did not impact me like the incidents here that I experienced almost in a snowball like fashion - write after I started to become very vocal about what I was discovering about the lawyer, my the money hidden, the suspicious surrounding around my grandfather's death, and perhaps going so far to doubt a Judge online.

I was innocent insomuch as I was honestly looking for answers around our dad's probate case, discovering who our grandfather was. I lost my father at such an important time period in my life - right when one is entering adulthood. And unfortunately our last conversation was an argument. That night after our argument he passed away. I never got to say "I'm sorry". I was very hopeful and believed that if I could prove via a discovery process what was stolen and how many years of an estate (being open 18 years) that it would be simple case closed justice for my sister and myself. I wanted my sister to have some connection to her father ( she was much younger than I when he passed). And I felt deep in my heart I was making that last argument up to him - and helping him to assist my sister and give her an education that I know he so deeply desired for her.

What I didn't realize is that I was opening a can of worms, of allegations that if proven true , would make a few powerful people not look too good. The desire to expose was not a witch hunt - but of pleading and hoping for logic and justice. Kind of a way to shout out to the world "Hey look - this is *possibly* white coller criminal activity - and can you believe out of all places in our nation's capitol?

Ahhh my niavity - D.C. lawyers and Judges are powerful and from what I have read about whistle blowers being suicided or accident-ed off within the beltway is downright scary. It's sort of the what goes on in Vegas stays in Vegas mentality. Except inside the beltway are the people who rule and govern the world. Everyone so far in my father's" insolvent estate" - via investigation have close connections what people would consider the "ruling elite". They were appointed by former Presidents , and have parties in their D.C. homes with powerful people in the government.

It's time to realize that I have put my self in some kind of danger. Actually I realized that when the bad stuff first started happening to me - but I really just brushed it aside - hoping that it was all coincidences.

I never wanted to write this in a blog - post all this information up. I am very much into privacy and hold my father and memories dear to me and would never want to ...well put all this up on a public forum.

However - I had once incident happen to me - perhaps the scariest event in my life - that prompted me to turn to the web and post all my discoveries on the web in a two day flurry - with total disregard to spelling or any embarrassment I might face.

I was in survival mode. I actually the terrifying event - WHILE it was happening on an online forum.

That brings me to the subject of psychops. This is a term that I ran upon whilst reading a blog from other probate victims of fraud.


My mouth dropped when I read what the poor lady who writes this blog went through - because almost the exact same tactics were used in my case. Good thing I have proof of a lot of what went on in these past few months when I became so vocal in my protest.

Anyways their blog is very informative - here are some of the tactics. Not to sound repetitive - these incidents could have all been accidents - however the timing of the events my case was just uncanny.
I hope others who go thought the same thing will find these blogs and find out that they are NOT ALONE.


It's far more terrifying to realize that these tactics are being used on American soil - by Americans.
I grew up ( as most American do ) believing in the integrity of people in positions of power within our government. When I was living in South America I had some scary incidents - but hey that came with the territory of being down there in the first place. But to have what could be such organized and planned bullying by people here - is just bind boggling. Even more so that all I am doing is seeking justice.

I do believe in human spirit , and the kindness of people - that is what helps me to relax and sleep at night. If it weren't for a few people in position of law enforcement- who took my phone calls seriously - and who looked at my supporting docuemnts - I'm not quite sure I'd still be typing here today. I thank them - whoever they were - and the ones I know who they are. They might not have done anything about it - but just hearing a sincere voice over the phone and being able to get my story out made me feel safer in a very harrowing time of my life.
If you are a victim of this kind of abuse - it is very important not too loose your faith and trust in people.

It's also important not to get to wound up into it. Yes it's important to stand up for your rights and to speak out - but after being bullied, harassed, threatened, it makes it all the more difficult to get out of that web of thinking and as the U2 song goes "Stuck in a moment that you can't get out of" Even whilst living through something miserable - it is important to enjoy life - in order to make whatever kind of ordeal you might be going through that you put into Google that led you to this particular post.

If you've gone through stuff like this - or still are - don't forget to go out, breath air, treat yourself, watch a comedy, spend time with family and loved ones - this is part of the healing process.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Knight of Malta - Nicholas D Ward - get the rest of my father's estate!

Not just a Knight of Malta he's the President General Order of the Crown Of Charlemagne - was working to help close a "bankrupt cab driver's estate"!

A "bankrupt cab driver "who was the heir to Allen and Garcia land deeds - and whose grandfather was the Vice President of Allen and Garcia which was one of the largest mining companies based out of Chicago . . .


Judge Alfred Franklin Burgess has decided to give the remaining balance in my father's money market account to the new lawyer hired by my grandmother this year. This lawyer's tactics were downright cruel.

When I asked him if he had any children - and did he like stealing inheritances outside the DC court room he broke out into laughter. I also was crying ( stupid I know but I get emotional when I think about my dad ) I told him it's been 18 years - my sister would like some closure. To which he responded , "You'll get your closure soon".

A few days later in the mail my sister and I found out Judge Burgess gave everything to this man . . .

He did warn me months ago that he was close to the Probate Judge and that no matter what I found out or discovered it wouldn't matter since he was so close to the Judge. I wonder if any of the 20 fraternal organizations he's a member of Judge Burgess is as well? Would be interesting connection. . .


He's also in some really nice company . . .or powerful that is . .

Let's take a look at some the other Knight of Malta


Otto von Habsburg
General Richard Stilwell
Konrad Adenauer
Giulio Andreotti
Federico Silva Munoz
General Vernon Walters

William E. Colby
William Westmoreland
Frank C Carlucci
Stanley S Bass
Nelson Mandela
Tony Blair

Louis Bloomfield
Rick Santorum
Phyllis Schaffly

Fritz Thyssen
Herman Schmidt

Franz von Papen
Juan Carlos
George Tenet
John J. DeGioia

Oliver North
George H.W Bush
Craig J Neumann de Paulo
Joseph Hagan
Fra James V Stroebel

Ted Kennedy
Jeane Kirkpatrick
Alexander Haig Jr
Patrick Messina
Joseph E. Schmitz
Karen Garver

Thomas Monaghan
Bowie Kuhn
Jeremiah Denton
Alan Keyes
Paul Henkels
Richard Campbell
Geoffrey T Boisi

Bernard Jensen
Fred Monroe Zeder II
James Jesus Angleton

Nicholas Donnell Ward
Charles Clement Lucas, Jr.
Leonard T. Scully.

No wonder it's been so friggin hard for me to get the IRS and other agencies to look into this. Also I mentioned the Allen and Garcia land trusts that would have gone to my father...well the Donetz Coal Basin trust my great grandfather worked on was financed by two of the the old family names in this list.

Ughhh sorry this man's face, and manicure say it all. Drink in one hand and cigar in the other. This is the man that Judge Burgess awards all the money left in William Cooley's estate for one month of work.

Judge Burgess decided to give it to him and not the IRS. WTF?

He's already got millions - perhaps he can treat himself to a manicure - or Jenny Craig with the money from my father's money market account.

I've been reading some excellent blogs. This blog and my exposure of this case has very little to do with money. It has to do with ethics, family ties, human connection. What's right and what's wrong.

The blogger from this site aptly named "Estate Of Denial" writes this which sums up my thoughts

"As people’s entitlement mentality grows, probate has become an excellent venue for weaponization of the legal system by grave robbers, property poachers, asset looters and walker stalkers looking to divert assets in a manner contrary to the stated intentions of honest, hard-working Americans. Losing the ability to determine the final distribution of one’s assets is a tragedy for Americans individually, as families and for us as a country in that the intergenerational transfer of assets has historically helped to strengthen our social and economic fabric."

Nicholas D Ward is very proud of his heritage and past.

Imagine if he had everything taken away from him by greedy relative. I'm sure he wouldn't be laughing. Yet he can play with the "little people" because he's one of the big people. And when I mean big people - he probably one of the only members of the Knights of Malta who doesn't need a life jacket on a boat!

He touts himself as American Royalty, and is surrounded by powerful and intelligent individuals - yet all that comes to mind when I think of him is grave robber.