
Mystery Of William M Cooley

I am a targeted individual of organized gang stalking also called stalking by proxy. This occurred to me after trying to fight for justice in my father's case. I am taking the blog down. I am tired of fighting and exposing an evil that I could never truly expose, as I am not the only victim of this kind of crime. Plus I have realized that there will be no justice of any sort. The more I seem to expose and speak out; the more I am targeted. Gang stalking is real - and is scary - and I hope that one day all victims will be able to put an end to this kind of torture, however I feel that I must move on and focus on my life and the life of my son.

Coroner Inquest on the Body of William M Cooley Sr.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Does Blackwater use force against American Citizens on American Soil?

Let's listen to the phone call - at the bottom of this post. . .

Question - Does state sanctioned covert torture exist here in the United States?

Are innocent woman and children United Sates Citizens targets of covert state sanctioned torture?

Is Homeland security being used as a guise to buse against inncocent civilians - or someone deemed a "political dissident" ?

I think that is a logical question to ask after all the events that have happened to me - and after finding out who and what I was up against. After all one of the top Knights of Malta - Nicholas D Ward - and a lawyer who works very closely with one of the top CIA lawyers in the USA - that did at one point represent Backwater in Iraq after the Nissor square

As stated before I have been put myself on some kind of "homeland security" watchlist - and have had "Firemen" (not really "Firemen") and Ambulances come home ready to take me away while I have been blogging - while I have been minding my own business at HOME in peace.

In my heart of hearts I did not want to post this particualar post - but after today I feel I must. I really didn't want to out anyone in such a manner.

I read about how one of the mother of the soilder that was tortured in Iraq - just wanted her son's suitcase and belongings back. That she just wanted to know what he was doing in his last days. My heart when out to her.

This past weekend my life and my son's well being were threatened directly. My apartment had been broken into.

I thought perhaps maybey things would calm down when it came it the bad e
vents occuring to me. Today was a confirmation that they will not be changing. So I made the decision today to post something I had previously decided against.
Anyways yesterday I traced the Michigan cell phone to a man who works for Teneco. This man called me and told me to "quit it." He also called as if it were a wrong number and asked something very sexually insulting - claiming he was trying to reach his daughter in law.

I traced the CEO of Teneco and he is on the board of Johnson Controls.

Johnson Control's is Edgar Prince's company.

Wow what a small small world?

Let's take another look - the Teneco guy also used to be the president for the Prince Corporation . .

I also traced in another Mucketly map a direct connection between BlackStone Group - which bought out Telluride ( in Colorado) which Nicholas D Ward ( my grandmother's lawyer) is a big player in to The Prince Corporation - and the Rothschilds.

Keep in mind that Telluride resort used to be mining land back in the 30's.

Now let's listen to the convestation. Sorry it's low quality but - with earpone and if you listen closely to the Ummm and the verbal usage of this man is sounds a lot like

I recommend earphone's to listen to this man's voice... I listened to the C-Span vids and well the amount of "um" and the "Executivue descision" sure sound like it. My apologies if I am wrong.

I could be mistaken about this but the telephone number matches up
Oh and speaking of Ambulances waiting outside my door - and being told it's time to go with them - take a look at what Teneco company provides!

Some questions I have.
Why am I being visited by Homeland Security "FDNY"?
Why were my son and I almost gassed to death in our own home?
Why are there always ambulances outside my home and I am referred to as the "agitated patient"
Why is my home being broken into - and I am recieving death threats?
Where is my grandfather's body?
Who took control of the Allen and Garcia mining shares after my gradfather (who was the sole hier) was "tossed from his car".
What happened to my grandfather's interest in the Donetz Coal Basin trust in Russia?
If the right person contacts me - I will be able to give my phone records - and the full conversation.

PS this is the latest video where an ambulance and "Firemen" came to my apartment again! I caught how they did it on the frequency radio . . . a dipatcher at the housing authority picks up the scan !!


Heheh I am referred to as the "agitated patient" lol and all I was doing was sitting at my home blogging...and "Firemen" came banging at my widow telling me the brioler was about to explode and upon leaving my apartment the same friggin man in the ambulance that took me away last time was there . . . I ran into my local deli called my mom and they left. . .

Ohhh and another related blackwater company in Michgan is this company

They manufactur ambulances and fire rescue and EMS - is this why all my regular firemen get dispatches that they couldn't get into my apartment YET I am still being visited by "Firetrucks" and Ambualnces...?

http://www.spartanmotors.com/ LOOK at all the pretty Firetrucks and Ambulances...

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