
Mystery Of William M Cooley

I am a targeted individual of organized gang stalking also called stalking by proxy. This occurred to me after trying to fight for justice in my father's case. I am taking the blog down. I am tired of fighting and exposing an evil that I could never truly expose, as I am not the only victim of this kind of crime. Plus I have realized that there will be no justice of any sort. The more I seem to expose and speak out; the more I am targeted. Gang stalking is real - and is scary - and I hope that one day all victims will be able to put an end to this kind of torture, however I feel that I must move on and focus on my life and the life of my son.

Coroner Inquest on the Body of William M Cooley Sr.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


OK a day or two before the gas leak this summer - and my son and I were almost possibly gassed to death for three days - by firemen who were from a "special unit" from Queens ( not my local firemen) - right before going to the FBI with my info -
By the way the above comment can be proven - the Co2 leak was not fixed for three days - the firemen were not from local fire department - and an investigator from the FDNY after seeing all
the ammended reports asked me who would want to see my son and myself dead -Just read the ammended FireReports on my webpage -

OMG - I called a Joye M Carter who signs on my dad's death certificate I had emailed her and asked if she could take a look at my her signature on my dad's death certificate.

When I read my dad's death certificate for the very first time - it said he died of natural casues - yet my siser and our family were told by OUR OWN GRANDMOTHER - that he died from an overdose.

I thought things were really odd when I later discovered my grandfather's body was missing - and that it appears as if my father's remains might not have even made it to Ill.
I want and will demand a DNA test on the ashes in Barrington.

OK well odd thing is Joye m Carter was an ex airforce who was appointed coroner in D.C. about a week before my father died!

Now - read what i just read

The Woman who Performed Cliff Baxter's Autopsy
Also see Suicidal Coincidences and from CBS News Mysterious Death of an Enron Executive

Cliff BaxterAt 2:23 in the morning of January 25, 2002, J. Clifford Baxter was found dead in his automobile by the Sugar Land, Texas police. The gun in his hand and the note by his side led the officers to suspect suicide. His body was taken to a Sugar Land funeral home without an examination. Harris County, Texas justice of the peace James Richard ruled Baxter's death a suicide without ordering an autopsy, in spite of the fact that Mr. Baxter was a central figure in the Enron investigation. After receiving pressure from lawmakers and the press, the judge ordered an autopsy. Before 7:00 am on January 26, the press announced that Cliff Baxter's death was officially ruled a suicide.
Meet Dr. Joye M. Carter, author of the book "My Strength Comes from Within". She is also the Houston County Medical Examiner that performed the autopsy so quickly after Cliff Baxter's death.
Dr. Carter has been in the news many times before. She was fined and almost lost her license in 2001 for allowing an unlicensed pathologist to perform autopsies. In 1998 her office was accused of tampering with evidence in the murder of a 12-year old girl. That same year she admitted that bodies were sometimes stacked on top of each other at her morgue. She's been sued (and lost) twice by whistleblowers who were fired for trying to expose corruption in the Harris County Medical Examiner's office.

Joye Carter's Strength Comes from Within

Before she was Houston's medical examiner she used to be the medical examiner in Washington DC, and by the time she left to take the job in Houston, the DC morgue was so filthy and backlogged with corpses and lab tests that it was hampering police investigations. Lately she's been in the news for other reasons.
Andrea Yates

Dr. Carter examined the Yates children after their tragic drowning. From the Houston Chronicle:

"Dr. Joye M. Carter, the Harris County chief medical examiner, said that while the children's bodies might be released to the family by Friday, she cautioned that autopsy results won't be known for about 10 days.

'It appears to have been drowning of all five of the young victims,' she said."

She continued: " ' We're going to continue to do a thorough work-up. We've X-rayed all the bodies as is customary with children," she said. "We will still be awaiting the results of the toxicology tests to make sure that there was nothing given to the children.' "

The autopsy results weren't released until July 13, 2002, twenty-three days after the drowning.

But wait!

It took Dr. Carter 23 days to rule that the Yates children had been drowned, but she was able to rule Cliff Baxter's death a suicide within 24 hours. In fact, she ruled Cliff Baxter's death a suicide before she even submitted the toxicology tests. The toxicology tests were not submitted until January 26, 2002.

Rat Shot ~ Glass Shards ~ Sleeping Pills
Read the entire Cliff Baxter autopsy report at WhatReallyHappened.com.

I smell a rat!Here's what to do if you smell a rat:

Ask them to demand a more thorough investigation into the
death and the autopsy of J. Clifford Baxter.


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