I'm still in the process of editing the long post below. After rearranging the blog - I went back and looked at some of the old posts. It's not comforting at all that the lawyer who arrived at the scene before any law enforcment did at where Mary Jo Kopechne drowned - not only went to high school with the head of the law firm that represented my father's "bankrupt" estate - but they would later create a private investigation company together. I called this lawyer because he has the same last name as the lawyer who would be in charge of my father's estate since 1992 ( not the same lawfirm that is now in control of the stock book of Diamond Cab).
"Chappaquiddick incident"
All the lawyers ( except for the one that assisted with my dad's estate for the past 17 years) are very amicable persons with excellent backgrounds and reputations - so I am not implying - nor do they have anything to do with my father's case. But the history is unsettling to say the least - given what I have gone through, and discoverd these past few months.
Another thing that in rather unsetteling - is I googled earthed the home oI visited as a child with my father, and grandmother. I specifically remember the round circle like drive way with cobble peppble stones. Driving down the driveway over the pebble stone was what woke me up. And when I google earthed it last night it looks very similar. I also mapped it from the house where my grandmother lived in Illinois and it would have been approximately a three hour drive. I remember the drive was so long to visit these friends that I fell asleep in the back seat of the car.
This trip would have been in the summer of 1986/87/88. The reason I remember this trip so vividly is because my father told me we were going to visit a man who had made his money off of car parts. My dad said specifically said "like mufflers and things" when I asked about it.
Now growing up around Diamond Cab company I would some time wander into the garage -and remember how yukcy and ugly 'mufflers" were. So I thought "Ohhh yuck" to myself. I also was very disappointed on the way there because I thought we were going on a long trip to see a bunch of car parts or something.
Upon entering the home though we were taken on a tour. Unfortunately I don't remember too much of what was inside the home - except a long indoor swimming pool - romanesque looking - and the fact that I was told that all the faucets and the sinks and bathtubs -were made of 24 caret gold. I remember going into the guest bathroom very close to the entrance of the long majestic home. I remember it was a man and wife about the same age as my grandmother that owned the home.
Even the handles on the toilets were made of solid gold. I remember using the bathroom looking at the gold and thinking mufflers. . . needless to say because of the word car parts - mufflers - this particular trip would leave a lasting impression in my mind. I had never seen sink handles made of 24 caret gold before - or toliet flushers for that matter.
Mystery Of William M Cooley
I am a targeted individual of organized gang stalking also called stalking by proxy. This occurred to me after trying to fight for justice in my father's case. I am taking the blog down. I am tired of fighting and exposing an evil that I could never truly expose, as I am not the only victim of this kind of crime. Plus I have realized that there will be no justice of any sort. The more I seem to expose and speak out; the more I am targeted. Gang stalking is real - and is scary - and I hope that one day all victims will be able to put an end to this kind of torture, however I feel that I must move on and focus on my life and the life of my son.
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